This evening my husband and I had the opportunity to meet with a married couple and catch up on the status of our married community group. The meeting was enjoyable. Two newlywed couples together with church leadership discussing marriage and the journey ahead. When I learned of this couples story I could not help but think to myself,
"Here is another one."
I was listening to another story of two people with a heart for God reconciled after divorcing four years earlier. They laughed and enjoyed their newlywed status being remarried to each other in March.
Here is another story of God doing what only he can do and that is to get right to the heart of the matter.
If I can only love people, love my new husband like Christ loves me. Wouldn't that be something? All of us loving each other like Christ loves us. Wouldn't that be something? Wouldn't that change the entire world?
I don't know everything but I know this, no matter how far I've tried to run away from the truth of the gospel the message of Christ finds me. The message does not find me in some decorated building but in the lives of people He impacts.
God, doing what only he can do - changing mans heart from stone.
Another story. Another life changed. Another marriage saved. Another testimony revealing the heart of God.